The TerriAnn Treat Plan Recipe E-Book


Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £4.99.

Who’s ready for some TerriAnn Treat Plan recipes?

The TerriAnn Treat Plan is my second most popular weight loss plan and after such amazing results I have decided to create an amazing recipe eBook to go with it.

The Treat Plan recipe eBook includes 40 delicious recipes so it will enable you to add more variety to the set plan.



Who’s ready for some TerriAnn Treat Plan recipes?

The TerriAnn Treat Plan is my second most popular weight loss plan and after such amazing results I have decided to create an amazing recipe eBook to go with it.

The Treat Plan recipe eBook includes 40 delicious recipes so it will enable you to add more variety to the set plan.

Don’t have the TerriAnn Treat Plan to go with this recipes book? Check it out below?

Have you ever noticed that when you create a “bad foods” list you suddenly crave them?

Your willpower can only handle so many cravings. And sometimes too much deprivation and restriction can lead to more cravings which could cause you to fall off the plan or give up completely.

We have found that allowing yourself to enjoy and look forward to a small treat, provided a much needed psychological boost from dieting.

The NEW TerriAnn Treat Plan is a simple effective eBook plan that will boost your weight loss whilst also allowing you to take back control and indulge in a small daily treat without any guilt.

There are no food group restrictions, no calorie counting, no meal planning, no stressing over what you should of shouldn’t be, because we have done all that for YOU

⬇️Get ready for stress FREE weight loss⬇️


  Lose up to 7lb in the first week then 2-3lb a week thereafter


  Enjoy a small treat every day without guilt


  Follow a simple plan week after week


  Each day includes a simple step by step recipe guide


  Includes a complete shopping list that you can simply take to the supermarket


Includes food swaps, tips and FAQs so you can adapt the plan to suit your personal lifestyle each week


  Vegetarian friendly


  Includes an easy to follow home workout plan

Check out the pictures of The TerriAnn Treat Plan meals…to see just how delicious and enjoyable this plan will be.

The TerriAnn Treat Plan eBook is just £6.99 and includes everything you need to take the stress out of weight loss.

Order yours today!